Now you're talking.

On Thu, Nov 4, 2021 at 1:49 AM Robert Muir <> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 3, 2021 at 1:36 PM Dawid Weiss <> wrote:
> >
> > I principally agree with you - we should leverage new Java features and
> I'm all for it. I just don't see much difference between
> > Java 11 and 17 in the context of Lucene... Upgrading for the sake of
> upgrading doesn't justify the move to
> > me. But if you can point at a feature of Java 17 and say - here, this is
> great and was not there before, it's worth using, then I'm all in.
> >
> > D.
> absolute-bulk-get methods on Byte/Short/Int/Long/Float/DoubleBuffers?
> I think we should investigate it for MMapDirectory and
> ByteBuffersDirectory at least? Maybe it can create new opportunities,
> e.g. reduce overhead vs position()+get().  Or maybe expand our
> random-access API to include it, and perhaps bit-unpacking can be
> simplified or sped up (e.g. DirectReader). Especially now that we have
> varhandles it seems to make more things possible. Or maybe there's no
> performance win for us and it only simplifies existing code in the
> short-term.
> I like the new PRNGs, maybe we should replace our handrolled
> xorshift128 stuff that is used for segment IDs (see StringHelper). The
> new API has nice set of algorithms:
> .
> Good to look at for the HNSW vector stuff, too. Maybe, we should
> switch over unit tests eventually too.
> The JFR runtime streaming api looks interesting, maybe we could
> improve tests.profile to use it, or mike's benchmark.
> I like that they fixed multicast api to work correctly (IIRC
> previously you had to implicitly bind to all interfaces, couldn't even
> bind to just localhost). Theoretically it could be more efficient for
> stuff like replication, but there's still practical issues (e.g. you
> have to deal with UDP, some cloud environments have spotty support,
> etc).
> Unix Sockets! Now they work with windows, so java exposed them. I use
> these heavily at work, curl --unix-socket is my GOTO. it's a nice
> bonus you can protect them with ordinary file permissions on Linux at
> least. I love apps like haproxy that expose stats/control interfaces
> first-class over unix sockets. Infostream logging is nice, but maybe
> we should provide other options to make it easy to get
> metrics/statistics counters and such "live".
> I like that the Unicode version is bumped, that helps the lucene
> analyzers based on the JDK.
> I'm also a fan of the HexFormat to replace any hand-rolled
> hex-printers. Could probably clean up some test code at least.
> There's a lot of little improvements to the API like this:
> As far as the language/major features, sure they are just sugar
> sometime, but often it makes sense to refactor the code to use them.
> E.G. having text block support, it is just one of those little things
> that can make the code much easier. And I get spoiled by other
> languages that all seem to have this.
> There's a new packaging tool that might be appropriate for Luke, not sure.
> Maybe lucene/expressions should use Hidden Classes? I can't remember
> the details, but I think we make a private child classloader, register
> the class there, to try to prevent GC hell. But why register it at
> all?
> The switch expressions looks interesting, because we could remove some
> of the horrors of forgotten-break statements and stuff? Haven't looked
> in detail, I think we are doing stuff with ecj to try to detect these
> mistakes already. Seems potentially less error-prone to use the new
> syntax.
> You can easily see the full list of these language/major features since
> java 11:
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