Am 03/11/17 um 22:56 schrieb Stephen Connolly:
> Hi all,
> I think it is a good thing if we take stock of where we are and how we are
> doing. I would really appreciate if everyone could take a few minutes to
> respond with their top three of two areas:
> * What is working well

The Jenkins support has improved greatly. For me it's very cool to have
the ITs run on Java 7+8 - Linux+Windows. Too few operating systems.
Solaris is a must have. OS X would be nice to have. FreeBSD or OpenBSD
also nice to have.

> * What is not working well

Turns out I just will never become a GIT fan. What works best for me has
been Subversion on the server and GIT locally using git-svn. Very clean
history on the Subversion server side because you can clean up commits
locally (squash, reword, etc.) before committing to the Subversion
repository. I find it quite hard to follow the commit history in GIT.
The date of the commit is not the date it got committed to master, but
the date it got committed to some branch, no longer existing after the
commit. If this is the way GIT works, so be it. I just don't like it. It
could not be more confusing.


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