Karl Heinz Marbaise > The user community is very big but unfortunately the
people who are
Karl Heinz Marbaise > willing to help is not that big...

Can I (ab)use the thread a bit?

One of the issues I run into with Maven is "it takes ages for repeated
build when nothing has changed".
Of course there are details, yet the final perception is like that.

I know Apache JMeter team sticks with Ant for a mere reason of fast builds
(even though it is way harder to configure in IDE)

Once upon a time I was bitten hard enough by Maven which always rebuilds
everything even for repeated builds, so I investigated the reason and
created https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CALCITE-484
The basic case is "jar is rebuilt due to resource was somehow modified".
Of course there are multiple offenders, however two cases come from
maven-resources-plugin and maven-remote-resources-plugin.

I've created a PR (in December 2014) to fix maven-remote-resources-plugin:
https://github.com/apache/maven-plugins/pull/40 (Avoid overwrite of the
destination file if the produced contents is the same), and it took just
FOUR years to release the new version of the plugin in October 2018.

The second offender is maven-filtering (
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MSHARED-394 )
In a brief, maven-filtering rewrites the file not matter the contents. For
instance, when Maven copies resources, it compares timestamps, so it can
skip copy if the file is good enough.
However maven-filtering always writes the destination file, thus it
triggers jar rebuild, etc.

Frankly speaking, I'm proud of a trick in
https://github.com/apache/maven-plugins/pull/40 which keeps contents in
memory, and if the buffer overflows, then it writes the contents to the
destination file. In other words, no temporary files are required, and it
can skip file overwrites when the produced contents is the same.

I think similar should be done to DefaultMavenFileFilter, however Kristian
suggested he wanted to look on his own:


>Kristian Rosenvold added a comment - 16/Dec/2014 12:19
>Haven given this issue some thought I believe I have come up with a
radically better solution than what is suggested here.
>There is no point in working on the changes suggested here,
>at least not until I give up my other plan.
>Since I am currently working on a slightly different task, it will be a
couple of weeks before I'll make any activity on this issue.

Frankly speaking, I'm very puzzled.
The net result is: my first Maven contribution (MRRESOURCES-91) took 4
years to release, and very similar one was rejected with "There is no point
in working on the changes suggested here" comment.
That is quite sad to be honest.


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