On 3/7/06, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * I'm still a little torn on where plugin docs go. No hurry on this, but
> something to ponder. We definitely need to make the references for those
> integrate better. Site/skin inheritance will help

No matter where they go, I think they need to be updated more often. 
Random example... the assembly plugin docs are wrong, and have been
that way for months. (it's descriptorId, not
 * http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/howto.html

I would like to see the "latest and greatest" docs on the main site. 
Yes, they'll be ahead of the released version, but not by much, and
(hopefully) not for long.When the answer to a lot of "X doesn't work"
questions is "It's fixed in the trunk, use a snapshot," it would be
nice to have the snapshot docs available in a centralized place.

This also makes it more fun to contribute to the documentation,
because you get to see your work "in print" right away.

Thanks for updating the main site. :)


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