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Wendy Smoak wrote:
> On 3/7/06, Brian K. Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> While I agree that it would be nice to have the 'latest and greatest'
>> docs on the main site, I don't believe having them as the only
>> documentation is a good idea at all. The documentation should be able to
>> evolve after a release to make them better,
> After it's tagged and rolled, it's done.  The docs for that release
> (as in 1.0beta3) aren't going to change.  Anything that gets added or
> fixed belongs to the next release.  The situation now is that if an
> error in the plugin docs is found, it stays on the site until the next
> release happens.

My point was centered on "the only", not "at all".

>> but having documentation
>> online that applies to "trunk" code and not released code tends to
>> equate "bad documentation" (the docs say I can do X. "oh, that's in the
>> trunk, use a snapshot").
> So it's better to never even know that X was possible?

If X isn't possible in the last release... ?

  Meanwhile the
> user thinks Maven is missing features and constructs a workaround, or
> gives up.  If the version number showed up on the plugin docs (it used
> to...) and the documentation said "since x.x" on new features, I'm
> pretty sure people could figure it out.
> I don't understand why visible new features and "use a snapshot"
> equates to bad documentation.  I don't want to sit around perfecting
> the documentation for the *last* release, I want to keep moving
> forward with the latest bits.

I wasn't meaning to say documentation work only happens for the *last*
release. Just that having 'bleeding edge' documentation as _the_
documentation doesn't help users if it doesn't match the released code
they have.
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