Jason van Zyl wrote on Thursday, October 19, 2006 11:14 PM:
> I think skipping release numbers is Bad Thing(tm). It would certainly
> confuse users if we release Maven 2.0.7 next.

Anything > 2.0.4 would be welcome ... hehehe

Technically you could simply use an additional number at the end:


And if final 2.0.5 is in the end ... who cares? You might also call x 
the build number, so Maven 2.0.5 would be e.g. maven- ... done so by 
Windows for a long time. The only thing Maven should provide is an automated 
resolution fo the last number ... say org.apache.maven:maven:2.0.5 should 
automatically refer to org.apache.maven:maven: which is not practical 

So why not do it as the Eclipse folks do: Build timestamped snapshots and 
declare one of them as the final release. All you need in Maven is an alias 
mechanism telling it that org.apache.maven:maven:2.0.5 is in reality 
org.apache.maven:maven:2.0.5-20061101.131250 (hint: look at the date <g>). I 
don't think that the missing functionality gap is big.

- Jörg

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