
I just had an interesting chat on IRC about some pitfall that I feel is worth to share so that others know about this, too.

Somebody wondered why his Maven builds were suddenly prepending
to the log output, for instance during invocation of "clean:clean".

The origin of this output was one of the stub plugins that I recently wrote for the core ITs (r697428). These stub plugins are intended to check the lifecycle bindings and hence have by design the same groupId and artifactId as the real plugins, i.e. in terms of Maven coordinates these stubs are very close to the real plugins. The only difference is the version which is set to 0.1-stub-SNAPSHOT.

To enable people to run the IT suite without prior building of the support module, I deployed these stubs to the snapshot repo. This in turn updated the repo metadata to list the stub version as "latest".

Now, users that haven't locked down their plugin versions but depend on LATEST and had the snapshot repo enabled got the stub plugins. Apart from a log message and creating a touch file in "target", these stubs do nothing so the build is effectively dead.

To avoid unnecessary confusion for users that don't follow best practices yet, I will deploy new snapshots of the original plugins to have the real/production snapshot be marked as latest. Of course, that's not a permanent cure but would have to be performed after every deploy of a stub snapshot. Please let me know if you feel this potential threat needs more attention.

So, just that everybody knows the details in case more users report problems with their builds.


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