On 24/09/2008, at 6:27 PM, Jason van Zyl wrote:

On 24-Sep-08, at 10:02 AM, Benjamin Bentmann wrote:

Jason van Zyl wrote:

I think we're going to have two major user stories here, people who
take the last released IT bundle and run it to validate and people who
check out the sources and build everything and run the ITs.

Not sure you fully understand the problem I was referring to. There is a third party of users affected by the stub plugins: Those that do their
regular builds (i.e. at work and completely unrelated to our ITs) and
don't follow the best practice of locking down plugin versions. Those
users will encounter problems with their builds because of getting the
stub versions (when the repo marks them as latest).

We can either prevent the mixups by running the ITs in an isolated local repository -- which I think would be a good idea -- or figure something out with the versions. This is not much different then someone working with a branch of a set of dependencies against a stable stream. Bundling up a bunch of stuff in a zip really defeats the purpose of being able to easy deploy to a repository, share and test. We have to be able to come up with a better way to partition this then create a custom package.

Isolated local repository certainly makes sense. That truly separates it from Maven that executes the test in the first place.

The main concern here is the speed with which the ITs run if it needs to download things, especially since they often avoid any installed repository manager. I haven't looked, but I suppose a positive side effect of using these stub plugins is that the amount downloaded for a build to a clean local repository is way, way less.

Ultimately what we want here is something that behaves consistently across all tests in a given environment.

What about a separate remote repository for the stub plugins that is used instead by anyone running the ITs? This can be done easily with groups for those running repo managers, or if you want to mesh it with central you can use rewriting (so you have a separate repository that is all of central + stub plugins, without having to copy the content of central).


Brett Porter

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