On 25 January 2011 15:47, Jason van Zyl <ja...@maven.org> wrote:

> On Jan 25, 2011, at 10:33 AM, Mark Struberg wrote:
> > The problem here is that fundamental maven functionality got moved over
> to external jars. And now those jars got changed from ALv2 to EPL. Don't get
> me wrong, EPL is not a bad thing, but we cannot contribute to this library
> anymore without going all the (very stony) route of contributing patches to
> the Eclipse foundation. If they refuse the patches then maven is doomed to
> fail... As someone already mentioned: In the worst case maven3 will get
> nothing more than a plugin processor for aether. From a project perspective
> this is a no-go, so I strongly support the veto.
> >
> Yet, on the other hand the Eclipse Foundation consumes many ASL licensed
> artifacts from the ASF. You don't see their projects spouting this nonsense.
> That a project at the Eclipse Foundation is doomed because it has to consume
> dependencies from Apache? Contributing at Eclipse is no more thorny then
> trying to contribute at the ASF.
> If an Apache project can only consume dependencies from within Apache and
> nothing else is acceptable then that project is going to fail anyway.
See: www.apache.org/legal/resolved.html

There are a number of issues with how the various dependencies can get
consumed. The PMC has yet to issue a ploicy on what kinds of dependencies
are permitted for maven-core. When the PMC has decided the policy that will
be communicated to the committers of Maven.

EPL is more restrictive than ASLv2, therefore it is OK for EPL licensed
projects to consume ASLv2 code... on the other hand it is not so acceptible
for ASLv2 licensed projects to consume EPL licensed projects.  There are
ways for an Apache project to consume and distribute EPL licensed code,
however given that the PMC is currently working on the policy for Maven's
core dependencies, Ralph has decided to temporarily veto any change of a
dependency in maven-core to a non-Category A license.

My understanding is that once the policy has been approved the veto will
either be removed, or the policy will make clear what is to be done.

I can appreciate that for somebody who has resigned from the PMC and the
Apache foundation it may appear that the veto has come out of thin air.


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