Did you have a look at 7b or 7c of this usage guide? One of these should be
a fit for you!


On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 15:19, Ruben Garat <ruben01....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, I am already using oss.sonatype.org and following this guide. But this
> are projects that are not using maven, they use ant and have no interest to
> move their build process to maven, even though they are willing to make the
> effort to get their libraries released into maven central.
> I think that making it super easy to get non-maven projects released into
> maven central should be a priority because if have a dependency that isn't
> there you can't deploy your own proyect. You could use the 3rd party
> dependency support from oss.sonatype.org but I think it is way better to
> enable the original project to get into maven central by itself in the
> easiest way so that they don't see it as a hassle, and everyone gets the
> best support for the libraries.
> Rubén
> On 03/01/2011 08:41 PM, Jochen Wiedmann wrote:
>> I suggest that you use the Nexus repository manager on
>> oss.sonatype.org for that. If you follow the instructions at
>> https://docs.sonatype.org/display/Repository/Sonatype+OSS+Maven+Repository+Usage+Guide
>> then the maven-release-plugin should be able to do anything what you need.
>> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 11:30 PM, Ruben Garat<ruben01....@gmail.com>
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi I am trying to help some projects get into maven central, starting
>>> with
>>> LWJGL<http://lwjgl.org/>  (opengl binding for java) and Jinput
>>> <http://jinput.java.net>  (input abstraction, keyboard, mouse, gamepads,
>>> joystick, etc).
>>> What I am currently doing is using the maven gpg plugin to sign and
>>> deploy
>>> but am having some trouble with those two steps being folded into one
>>> (trying to deploy using scp for example because the mvn invocation of the
>>> gpg plugin just hangs instead of asking stuff like trusting a host
>>> signature).
>>> Ideally I would like to be able to use the maven ant tasks to first sign
>>> the
>>> artifacts and then deploy them using the artifact:deploy tasks. In order
>>> to
>>> be able to do this, I think we would need:
>>>   *       a task for signing files would be needed (or at least a way
>>>     to sign an artifact/file/files using the maven gpg plugin but not
>>>     deploying them)
>>>   *       a way to tell the artifact:deploy task to also deploy the
>>>     existing signatures (this would allow to use the
>>>     artifact:install-provider task to add custom wagons).
>>> I think that adding this support to the maven ant tasks would go a long
>>> way
>>> to help deploy libraries not made with maven to maven central, seeing as
>>> gpg
>>> signing is now a requirement for this.
>>> thanks for your help
>>> Rubén Garat
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