> Given that one of my degrees was in Graphic Design, I thought I would have a 
> look at the problem.

> I am currently working on building some spreadsheets of all gif, png and svg 
> files in the netbeans app. This is very time consuming since none of my 
> search apps allows copy and paste to anything, so it is a manual problem, 
> currently at 464 of 1473 gif files. There are 2788 png files. By this I mean 
> references to files as there are many with the same name, but, not 
> necessarily the same graphic.

This I can help with. The SVG icon drawing effort is tracked here: 

I have added a Google Sheet that shows the suggested prioritization of icons to 
draw, and current progress that I know of:


I have added you (and Pete Whelpton, who contributed some icons in the past) as 
an editor on this sheet so you can add notes if you wish.

> It would be of great value if someone with experience of these icons and 
> their production could provide feedback on my work etc.

Happy to help here. I am not a graphic designer, but I have made a suite of 
icons in my own NetBeans Platform application, so I've been through the 
technical process at least. I have maybe 100 hours of experience in Adobe 
Illustrator, but none in Inkscape. Feel free to use Inkscape if you prefer. 
(And while I know the use of Adobe Illustrator is controversial, I'm happy to 
reimburse a one-month license if you prefer it...)

-- Eirik

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Cavanagh <jeremy.cavan...@orange.fr> 
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2020 2:54 PM
To: dev@netbeans.apache.org
Subject: Fwd: Re: Status of converting icons to SVG

Apologies to all. I didn't send direct to my dev my mistake.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: Status of converting icons to SVG
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2020 23:14:32 +0200
From: Jeremy Cavanagh <jeremy.cavan...@orange.fr>
To: Eric Bresie <ebre...@gmail.com>

Hi All,

Given that one of my degrees was in Graphic Design, I thought I would have a 
look at the problem.

I have started setting up my system to do this work. I have the Affinity Design 
suite, Inkscape, Gimp etc. on my system.

I am currently working on building some spreadsheets of all gif, png and svg 
files in the netbeans app. This is very time consuming since none of my search 
apps allows copy and paste to anything, so it is a manual problem, currently at 
464 of 1473 gif files. There are 2788 png files.
By this I mean references to files as there are many with the same name, but, 
not necessarily the same graphic.

I've also had a quick look at what is required to produce svg icons, not a big 
deal compared to the spreadsheet.

I have had a cursory look at some files and noticed that there are some 
inconsistencies which should be sorted out anyway.

With any luck and a following wind I should be able to supply some examples by 
the week after next. I shall do this work for my own benefit whatever you 
choose to do.

It would be of great value if someone with experience of these icons and their 
production could provide feedback on my work etc.

Comments from anyone would be gratefully accepted.



P.S., I also agree that paying for someone to do this doesn't really fit with 
the FOSS concept.

On 13/09/2020 16:20, Eric Bresie wrote:
> Was just looking around and saw this link [1]. Seems to favor Inkscape but 
> there may also be ways to leverage gimp (another popular graphics tool - not 
> specifically vector based but has some abilities to export with a little 
> work).
> [1] https://askubuntu.com/questions/301540/export-image-as-svg-in-gimp
> Eric Bresie
> ebre...@gmail.com
>> On September 13, 2020 at 1:47:26 AM CDT, Jaroslav Tulach 
>> <jaroslav.tul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Eirik,
>> thank you for your reply and these lists...
>>> [2] 
>>> https://people.csail.mit.edu/ebakke/misc/netbeans-icons/prioritized.
>>> html [3] https://people.csail.mit.edu/ebakke/misc/netbeans-icons/
>> ...they are helpful. There was a question about the amount of 
>> NetBeans icons to redraw inside of OracleLabs and it is great there already 
>> is an answer.
>>> Graphic designers on UpWork ...
>>> ... crowdsourced effort ...
>>> ... the ideal way to do this would be to crowdfund the effort ...
>> Apache can certainly accept donations. If you guys organize a 
>> crowdfounding effort and use the money to draw icons that are then 
>> donated to Apache, then great!
>> The effort would have to be supported by users of NetBeans, not 
>> developers - at least that's what I get from comments like the one by 
>> Matthias:
>>> I still fail to see the difference between repetetive work on the 
>>> code base working on source code and repetetive work on graphics.
>> I also consider it unfair to pay a designer, but not pay me as an 
>> architect
>> ;-) But if somebody wants to donate the money, then be it!
>>> how to draw icons in
>>> Illustrator
>> Again, if somebody pays for that fun, be it. However as others noted, 
>> we are Apache and as such it would be better to adhere to open source 
>> style. No Adobe, please, try [Apache 
>> Draw](https://www.openoffice.org/) or at least 
>> [Inkscape](https://inkscape.org/).
>> -jt
>> PS: A note on design...
>>> If many people are working on the effort, a single
>>>> person will still ...
>>>> cleaning them up to a consistent standard
>> People used to claim that [design cannot be done in a 
>> committee](http:// wiki.apidesign.org/wiki/Teamwork). NetBeans is a 
>> proof that it can be done - one just need to sit down and [specify 
>> guidelines](http://wiki.apidesign.org/
>> wiki/API_Design_Checklist).
>>> * Programming and graphic design are two different skillsets
>> I believe there are common meta-design principles behind API design 
>> and UI/ icon design. As such guidelines (like 
>> https://material.io/design/guidelines-overview) could help. Of 
>> course, there is an overhead to it, but when the scale is large (there 
>> cannot be a single designer for all Android apps, right?), there is no other 
>> way to move forward anyway.
>> Dne úterý 8. září 2020 19:14:41 CEST, Eirik Bakke napsal(a):
>>> In my opinion, the ideal way to do this would be to crowdfund the 
>>> effort and have new icons be drawn by a single paid, professional 
>>> icon designer. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on this.
>>> In my experience, drawing an icon takes 30 minutes on average [1], 
>>> after getting up to speed. Graphic designers on UpWork are perhaps 
>>> $30-60/hour (we'd need to find someone who's qualified for this 
>>> particular job). For an initial effort, there are about 160 icons that 
>>> should be converted [2].
>>> Ideally, we'd find someone to do it who could later be called upon 
>>> to do another 6-700 icons to cover most of the remaining interface, 
>>> if the first project is a success.
>>> As an alternative, for a crowdsourced effort, I'd be happy to do a 
>>> "training" session by Zoom to show contributors how to draw icons in 
>>> Illustrator according to the style guide described in NETBEANS-2617. 
>>> I'm swamped until February 2021, though...
>>> Some issues to consider:
>>> * Programming and graphic design are two different skillsets. 
>>> Programmers do not always produce tasteful graphic designs. * In the 
>>> long term, we'd want to convert at least several hundred icons, 
>>> maybe thousands [3]. This may be beyond what is possible with a 
>>> volunteer effort. * If too many different people work on this, we 
>>> will get a hodgepodge of different icon styles. * Normally, cosmetic 
>>> issues are not very important. But in this case, the purpose of the 
>>> effort is to make NetBeans look good, so aesthetics is actually a 
>>> primary concern. * From my own experience, it took about 4 hours of 
>>> icon-drawing work in Illustrator (which I already had some 
>>> experience
>>> with) before I was fully "up-to-speed" with designing new icons. If 
>>> multiple people are working on the icons, each person will have to 
>>> go through this learning curve. * You often end up copying and 
>>> pasting shapes between different icons. If many people are working 
>>> on the effort, they will end up redrawing shapes that others have 
>>> already drawn. * There are lots of little issues that contributors 
>>> will get wrong--e.g. how vertices are aligned to the pixel grid. A 
>>> lot of familiarity with the drawing software is needed. * If many 
>>> people are working on the effort, a single person will still end up 
>>> having to go through all the Illustrator files and cleaning them up 
>>> to a consistent standard, naming scheme etc. For the simpler icons 
>>> (e.g. two rectangles), this takes up as much time as drawing the icon 
>>> itself.
>>> -- Eirik
>>> [1] See
>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/NETBEANS/HiDPI+%28Retina
>>> %29+imp rovements?preview=/110692909/110692926/vectorized.png [2] 
>>> https://people.csail.mit.edu/ebakke/misc/netbeans-icons/prioritized.
>>> html [3] https://people.csail.mit.edu/ebakke/misc/netbeans-icons/
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Jaroslav Tulach <jaroslav.tul...@gmail.com>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 4:29 AM
>>> To: dev@netbeans.apache.org
>>> Subject: Status of converting icons to SVG
>>> Hello everyone, hello Eirik.
>>> It is a while since the [support for SVG 
>>> icons](https://github.com/apache/ netbeans/commit/ 
>>> 51a01eb9cbfc6f342a1827d47f0b37e1b2f070a3#diff-721be4afbc5aed18d39b11
>>> 702d02c
>>> 9fd) landed into NetBeans code base. Is it used or is it just laying around?
>>> I do remember there was an attempt to start a community supported 
>>> conversion of the icons. What's the status of such conversion? Were 
>>> some (at least those visible in the toolbar by default) icons converted?
>>> Maybe we should ask guys that have a say in the wider community like 
>>> Jirka Kovalský, Geertjan, etc. to make some buzz around the 
>>> conversion? Have an "icon-a-hack-a-ton"?
>>> Last time I asked for help with reorganizing source files layout per 
>>> cluster, the community reacted quite well. A lot of people contributed.
>>> Contributing icons shall be even easier and more fun, right?
>>> -jt
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