
On 25.01.24 21:20, Ernie Rael wrote:
With NB-21-RC2, running on JDK-21,
doing: NewProject > JavaWithGradle > JavaClassLibrary
And there is the "resolve problems" icon.

$ ./gradlew --version
Gradle 8.4

I thought this would be Gradle-8.5, especially since there was talk with NB-20
of waiting for Gradle-8.5.

Unlike with NB-20, with NB-21-RC2, manually upgrading to Gradle-8.5 the
"resolve problems" goes away, so that's a good thing.

There was some discussion of gradle problems with NB-20,
In the thread: "Java version: 21 ... not supported by Gradle 8.5"

One comment in particular

> It seems the bootclasspath is set to the runtime
> classpath, that means the Java 21 syntax elements would be available in
> the editor, but the new API won't.

Since manually upgrading to G-8.5 works better with NB 21-RC2, I'm guessing this issue is fixed, but since I don't know any details about it, just checking.


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