
I'm starting to experiment with NuttX BLE support. I have a device that I
can successfully pair with my phone and I would like to try pairing it with
the NuttX based device. I chose ESP32 for my experiments. For now I enabled
(and fixed) esp32-devkitc:ble configuration, but that is basically all... I
do not have much knowledge in bluetooth, but definitely want to master it.
When I'm pairing from my phone I see the device name in the list of scanned
devices, so the device advertises some human readable string in data. Then
I'm running "bt bnep0 scan start" -> "bt bnep0 scan stop" -> "bt bnep0 scan
get" on my ESP32 and expecting to see some of the same human readable
string in the printed output as I do not known the MAC address of my
device, but there is not such data sequence in "bt bnep0 scan get" output.
I would appreciate some guidance for the BLE dummy like me, so I can move
forward a bit.

Best regards,

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