Le 07/01/2020 à 00:56, Mathieu Lirzin a écrit :

Jacques Le Roux <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> writes:

Le 06/01/2020 à 10:29, Samuel Trégouët a écrit :
    what is OFBiz public API?

In my opinion we need an answer for this question otherwise we need to
discuss every single changement! which seems to be really cumbersome!
And even if we discuss every single changement how to decide it is good
for our community: *one* other contributor thumb-up is enough? maybe
*two*? do we need to wait forever if others don't care about a
particular changement?
Mathieu and you make good points with the notion of "OFBiz public API".
It would be indeed good to have a such concept to officially (ie w/ a prior 
consensus) collect all parts that always need deeper discussions and consents.

But I fear it's not easy to define and this needs if not a deep discussion at 
least a long one (see the kinda recursion here?).

So before havi ng all agreed about what the "OFBiz public API" is I
think we need to cure the present issue. Except if Mathieu is pleased
to wait before this is agreed on.
I think it is an important discussion that is overdue.

Given that I need a break to both get over the frustration of the recent
heated discussions and focus on my research work, As far as I am
concerned this is a good moment for this discussion to happen.

The goal of this discussion would be to define the boundaries between
deprecated/stable/experimental/internal code by considering both the
stability requirements that are important for production environments
(that need to be able to upgrade smoothly) and the capability for
developers to refactor code that is necessary to be able to implement
the features allowing OFBiz to remain relevant in the future.
Hi Mathieu,

I started the "What is OFBiz public API?" thread

Actually I did yesterday but had to reboot my Internet box because of IP blocked issue and then ask barracudacentral.org to remove my IP from their blocked list (I don't thanks my Internet Provider!)


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