Hi Sharan,

First congrats for the excellent work. I think we are ready to replace the old 
site. I have not checked all yet, but yes, we can do once online...

I agree with Taher about "The three main pitches". I'd prefer links, we can refer to https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/Apache+OFBiz+User+Stories a sole and same link from all points should be enough

For the FAQ page we can expand it later. For now I'd simply add a link to the 
wiki page, of course we can clean it up...

For demos, why do you prefer a link to accounting than product (catalog webapp) as we did before (David did it long ago)? BTW developers, was catalog the best place?

Do we say a word about plugins (did not find anything)?

|For ML page, what about our policy? Is it, should it be, somewhere else? Should we not 
add a link to Bertrand's "|Large Mailing Lists Survival Guide|"?

Don't we lose something about the news? Like we have a short FAQ page, could we 
not have a short News page for at least last releases short information?

Don't we miss a link to the official (and required) http://www.apache.org/foundation/thanks.html page? Is http://www.apache.org/foundation/sponsorship.html not required too?

Do we have a link to HipChat? Though I'm not sure it's a good idea :D



|Le 26/07/2017 à 11:47, Sharan Foga a écrit :
Thanks Taher and Pranay

Initial feedback from Kenneth is that a couple of the images look a bit out of 
place so I've asked for his suggestions for improving that.
Also he is preparing some images of OFBiz screenshots that we can use on the 
site so I'd like to get at least those changes in before publishing.

I've noted your feedback and agree these are good points that can improve the 
site so will look at those. If I can incorporate some before publishing then I 
will, otherwise we can do it as an ongoing thing once the new site is up.


On 2017-07-26 08:13 (+0200), Taher Alkhateeb <slidingfilame...@gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you very much Sharan. The website looks really beautiful! my
recommendation is to go ahead and publish it immediately and we can
start to fix things as we go.

Some notes for things to work on later:
- The three main pitches should be either without a link, or a link to
relevant documentation (I'm referring to: "Powerful Java Web
Framework", "Developer Friendly", etc ...)
- The FAQ needs to be expanded, maybe we can get stuff from the
original FAQ documentation after we clean it up [1]
- We need to find a more appealing solution for the social media
links. I believe they should be in the top as icons instead of links
in the footer. I think the template used already has a solution for
this but I need to review it at some point.


On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 1:59 PM, Sharan Foga <sha...@apache.org> wrote:
Hi Everyone

I've pretty much completed what I think could be an initial version of our new 
website so please feel free to take a look and let me have any feedback. (Just 
for info - all the pictures I've used are from Pixabay.com and are free to use 
and don't need any attribution)

It would be good to have some sample OFBiz pictures (and community feedback 
supported this too - instead of the all generic ones) especially on the home 
page so I have contacted Kenneth Paskett who has helped with the graphic design 
so far, to ask for a little more help doing that.  So once that is done, 
pending any other feedback, I think we could be ready to publish.


On 2017-06-25 18:54 (+0200), Taher Alkhateeb <slidingfilame...@gmail.com> wrote:
+1 for switching the website to the new one and completing it as we go.

We should try to automate publishing the website. One solution is to
publish the website as is. Another solution is to restructure the
website so that only the "generated" stuff gets published to the
server. So the directory structure could be something like the below.
And then we can have commands like ./gradlew generateHtml or ./gradlew

├── build.gradle
├── public
│   ├── about-ofbiz.html
│   ├── business-users.html
│   ├── developers.html
│   ├── bootstrap
│   ├── css
│   └── etc...
└── template
     ├── html.tpl.php
     ├── page
     │   ├── about-ofbiz.tpl.php
     │   ├── business-users.tpl.php
     │   ├── developers.tpl.php
     │   └── etc ...
     └── region
         ├── footer.tpl.php
         ├── header.tpl.php
         ├── head.tpl.php
         └── scripts.tpl.php

On Sun, Jun 25, 2017 at 7:35 PM, Sharan Foga <sharan.f...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Michael

I like the idea (I'd been looking at an all or nothing approach :-) so just
putting the minimum we need live is OK with me. I have some changes in
progress for the main page, so will commit those tomorrow. Essentially I've
removed the bottom slider panel and instead added a section on OFBiz
Features, modules and benefits. I'll also take a look at the key pages and
update what I can.

I'm not sure what to do about the php template conversion to html. I've been
doing it manually but it probably needs a script and I know we talked about
replacing the php templates with Freemarker ones but not sure how easy that
would be so ideas welcome.


On 25/06/17 18:03, Michael Brohl wrote:
Hi Sharan,

Taher gave me a hint on this topic so I had a look at the new website code
and display. I like it and think we should put some effort  in this to get
it ready for production.

I'm thinking about leaving some of the new contents out of sight for the
first release, namely the service providers page and "what customers said"
etc. (everything which is new and not ready for production.
I think it would be enough to have the up-to-date informations from the
old site plus some more which are ready (or near ready) to speed things up.

What do you think?

Best regards,

Michael Brohl
ecomify GmbH

Am 20.03.17 um 13:54 schrieb Sharan Foga:
Hi Everyone

A quick update. I've created a new branch called under the branches
directory called ofbiz-new-website and have uploaded all the work done so
far on the new website structure and pages.

The plan is to complete the work in this branch and then copy it over to
the new site when we are ready. I think the content itself is the most
important so will continue to to tidy up and complete any missing pages or
information. It's in our repository now so hopefully more accessible to
people who want to help out.

I'd encourage you all to take a look at what has been done to so that I
can get some feedback of what people think of the general look and feel.

Once again – I'd like to thank Kenneth Paskett for helping out with the


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