On Wed, 21 Nov 2012 18:35:56 +0100
Armin Le Grand <armin.le.gr...@me.com> wrote:

>      Hi Regina,
> On 21.11.2012 15:32, Regina Henschel wrote:
> > Hi Jürgen,
> ---snip---
> > We are planning some bigger UI changes for the next release (sidebar)
> >> and such UI changes are always a good indicator for a new major release
> >> to signal our users bigger changers. I know Ariel has also some
> >> incompatible changes regarding add-ons in the pipeline that would also
> >> fit in a major release.
> >
> > Not to forget the internal changes in Draw.
> >
> >>
> >>
> ---snip---
> >> If nobody will complain I will start to merge the started 3.5 and 4.0
> >> planning into one combined planning later.
> >
> > The changes are so large, that they need a lot of testing. The 
> > printing dialog has been the last large UI change and that has last 
> > over a year. Even when I only take the test time, which is reflected 
> > in Bugzilla, I see eight months "CWS printerpullpages".
> >
> > The internal changes in Draw are not visible, but because they effect 
> > the whole office, they need a lot of testing too.
> These will need some more time (1/2 a year I guess roughly), so these 
> will not be in a next release in Feb/march 2013. They indeed need deep 
> testing, anything else would be too dangerous. Thus, these changeas are 
> independent from the name for the next release.
> >
> ---snip--

If there is a major User Interface change in AOO 4.0, whether this is User 
selectable (best option in my view) or installed without offering any option to 
revert to the traditional interface, it will need much more testing and perhaps 
even more rigorous testing than for a "normal 0.1" release.  Any instability in 
it will severely prejudice Users' confidence in AOO 4.0.  

I prefer therefore an interim 3.4.2 or 3.5 release, adding extra languages and 
some new functionality, such as the zapper for corrupt User Profiles, targetted 
for release early in 2013 to maintain a semblance of a six monthly release 

Of course I will accept the group decision, but the above is my thinking based 
on knowledge of relatively inexperienced posters on the en-Forum.  Other Forum 
Volunteers and Moderators subscribed to this list may have other ideas.

Rory O'Farrell <ofarr...@iol.ie>

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