Am 06/21/2014 10:25 PM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:
On 20/05/2014 21:52, Marcus (OOo) wrote:
Am 05/20/2014 11:13 AM, schrieb Tal Daniel:
Please test it a bit, comment here, and if all goes well, I'll move
code into the site brand.html template, to affect all sites.

We are now at a point where we could enable this, right? Of course,
improvements are always possible, but once we have something online it's
easier to make incremental fixes.

For example, leveraging the Apache CMS and is "nice to have", ,
but it will be easier to involve an Apache CMS guru after the thing is
online rather than wait.

I this case I think it's impossible to test deeply on the local machine as the interaction with the CMS here is key.

So indeed, starting with a minimal implementation and fixing problems on-the-fly seems needed.

source code: I've added a comment next to
each<option>, stating the language in English.
I don't see it as redundant information as it helps to identify what to
choose. And I mean the average user, not developers especially.

Looking around, it seems that a good solution could be to do like the
European Union official site does: language name in
native language and language code in square brackets. So something like

Italiano [it]
Magyar [hu]
Polski [pl]

Could this work? This is quite compact and informative, especially in
our case where we actually use the language code for the directory
containing the subsite (in most cases).

Sure, that would fit.

Please go ahead. :-)


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