Marcus (OOo) wrote:
> Am 06/26/2014 06:23 PM, schrieb Rob Weir:
>> For example, if we are worried about the length of text on the right,
>> then maybe can can have a three column design, rather than a two
>> column design?  Put announcements on left, blog posts on right, and
>> the main content in the center?
> We should gather a few ideas, do a little research about other website
> and then build a demo-webpage. For the download webpage this was
> working good.

I'm not at all a designer, I just had few minutes of free time and I
decided to play a bit with the page:

Okay, is rather different from the current layout but is also a bit
responsive (just to please everybody :P).
I didn't spend much time on the colors and alignment of elements, just
on the general layout of the page.


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