On Sun, Apr 5, 2015 at 9:57 AM, Gavin McDonald <ga...@16degrees.com.au>

> I suggested (that is the word suggested; and yes it was me!) that some
> sentences be
> reworded slightly  - to say the same thing, but in a more positive light,
> in such a way
> as that it might actually encourage more folks to step forward. That is
> what is needed
> here right?

I would usually agree with this sentiment, were it not for the fact that
exactly that strategy has been used for all previous Board reports from AOO
and yet we have still seen the decline in participation that [LWN has
reported][1]. Given that decline -- which appears to have continued -- and
the resulting lack of a release manager and of any active core code feature
implementers on the project, it seems appropriate to make a report to the
Board that highlights those facts rather than tries to make everything seem


[1] http://lwn.net/Articles/637735/

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