Sometimes just a "heads-up" before the (sizable) commits might be
nice, esp on commits that will likely break builds.

At some point, however, we need to draw a line in the sand and
say "we will hold things steady for awhile" or else we'll never get
to a point where we can reasonably build and test 4.2.0. For example,
if a dev release is made, and some bugs are found, and potentially *fixed*,
but in the meantime more work is done on the gbuild migration, it makes
it harder to see if those fixes actually work. It's hard to QA a constantly
changing project.

I will start another thread on the gbuild topic...

> On Mar 27, 2018, at 11:51 AM, Matthias Seidel <> 
> wrote:
> Am 27.03.2018 um 17:43 schrieb Dave Fisher:
>> Damian,
>> Jim is reasonably asking for some heads up so that he can know what to 
>> expect before he does Mac and Linux builds.
>> Matthias would certainly like the same as well for Windows although 
>> buildbots do help.
> I always monitor new commits here:
> Damjans comments are always descriptive (unlike mine).
> But sometimes he is committing faster than I can test! ;-)
> Regards,
>    Matthias
>> Speaking of Mac Buildbots Jim did offer to make one available in his 
>> location and infrastructure knows how to hook that up. Is now the time?
>> I think we have several developers doing builds now which is great!
>> Regards,
>> Dave
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 27, 2018, at 8:13 AM, Damjan Jovanovic <> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Between the gbuild migration, Win64 migration and MSVS 2015 migration, all
>>> of which are project-wide, modules will break, a lot.
>>> If I had access to a Mac, I would definitely be testing these changes.
>>> Since I don't, Infra keep refusing to get us a Mac buildbot, Apple is my
>>> least favourite platform, Apple products are disproportionately expensive,
>>> and I do so much for AOO already (being its biggest contributor), I think
>>> asking me to test Mac builds is unreasonable. If you want to change that, I
>>> could be bought a Mac or given remote access to one, Mac developers could
>>> pull their own weight, or Mac could be dropped as a supported platform.
>>> Now as for the store build regression, please post the output of "build
>>> --from store".
>>> Regards
>>> Damjan
>>>> On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 3:29 PM, Jim Jagielski <> wrote:
>>>> Looks like recent build changes have broken the macOS
>>>> build again... This time we die when trying to build
>>>> store.
>>>> <rant>
>>>> IMO, it would be nice if when updating, people were
>>>> a little more circumspect on how/if this would affect
>>>> other builds. I realize that it is hard to anticipate
>>>> such things, but at least some sort of warning, or
>>>> "head's up" or some summary of what was changed and
>>>> why/how, instead of just a huge commit, might make
>>>> things easier for people who then need to dig into
>>>> the weeds and fix other platforms.
>>>> </rant>
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