Now that I'm thinking about the configure script, I have to admit
that some things really look like they could/should be fixed.

For example,


Why does dmake use dmake-path but EPM just use epm? Why 2 directives when they 
could be combined? And it's not like we can build without EPM and dmake 

  --enable-beanshell     Enable the use of beanshell.
  --with-system-beanshell Use beanshell already on system (default)
  --with-beanshell-jar=JARFILE   Specify path to jarfile manually

That's a lot of options that could be combined into 1.

So I was thinking we just have these 3:


If we wish to disable, then ./configure accepts '--without-*' or --with-*=no. 
No magic there.
If left as is, configure looks in $PATH for epm, dmake, and the beanshell 
jarfile. If not found, beanshell is disabled and for epm/dmake we fail.

We also allow the --with-*= to be *either* local paths OR URLs....

To make this more clear:

     o Look for EPM on PATH. If it doesn't exist, we try error out
     o Use that version
     o download and build (replace --with-epm-url)

For beanshell and dmake we would have just:


which follows the same logic.

Of course, this will break existing build scripts for 4.2.0 and later, but I 
think the disruption is worth it.


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