> On such compilers, this warning will occur for each idlc-generated UNO 
> header (com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.hpp etc.).  For reasons of 
> compatibility, it is not an option to change those idlc-generated 
> headers and add a virtual destructor to them.

Should be sufficient using this pragma only in interface header files
generated by cppumaker.

> Thus, we can either switch off -Wnon-virtual-dtor globally, or switch 
> off *all* warnings from within idlc-generated headers (#pragma GCC 
> system_header).  The second option is probably preferable, as 
> -Wnon-virtual-dtor might point to real issues in other places of the 
> code base, and it is unlikely that there would be other warnings from 
> any idlc-generated header that we would thus suppress---the 
> idlc-generated headers are pretty boiler-plate.

+1, switching off globally is really no good option.


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