> > With that setting, RestrictedPath mostly worked.  With only one 
> > directory in the RestrictedPath, the behavior was not quite what I 
> > expected.  It allowed me to navigate up to the parent 
> directories, all 
> > the way to the root (c:\). It didn't allow me to save there, but it 
> > was unexpected I was able navigate there since this was above the 
> > restricted directory.
> Hmm. For multiple paths, as you found, it is useful to be 
> able to travel "above" the paths. But for one path, it might 
> make sense to let this single path be the virtual "root" in 
> the file picker.
> Are you interesting in fixing this?

Hello Frank,

The answer is "yes, but".  I would be interested in fixing it, but I'm not
sure when I would be able to get to it.  I do have a potential customer who
is interested in this feature, and if that is an issue for him then I will
fix it.

I would also be interested in changing RestrictedPath from an environmental
variable to a configuration (.xcs/.xcu) setting.  Is there a specific reason
an environment variable was chosen over a configuration setting?  How could
changing to a configuration setting be done without adversely affecting
existing users -- use the configuration value if it is set, otherwise look
to the environment variable?


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