Bernd Eilers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> We do have a semi-automated process to generate Release Notes. This
> takes advantage of the OpenOffice Document file format and a standard
> template being used for the specification documents. Information from
> specifications documents is extracted via XSLT and a "What´s new
> guide" HTML page is created which is the basis for the Release Notes.
> See for example:
Hm, looking at this page, I'd say automatic processing could have its
drawbacks (looking at the abstracts for issue 62484). ;-)

> 1.) After work is finished in the Wiki and at a give time just before
> the release, let´s say at UI - Freeze or something like that content
> from the Wiki must be moved to a .odt document.
> 2.) We need to work on the process to create the document for the
> Release Notes and create a new feature there to be able to extract
> information from the WiKi and we also need to set up some kind of
> template and corresponding rules on how specs in the Wiki do have too
> look to be able to find the information that is going to be extracted
> for the Release Notes.
Well, I don't see any special formatting used in the spec abstract
(that's what I suppose is extracted from the template document). So,
why not use the feature mail to provide this abstract? We've a HTML
formular for that, anyway.




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