Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
Hi Stephan,

thank you very much for your answers!

... cut ...

    * ad "application/;type=native":

No, such files are not put on any path.  If those libraries are UNO
libraries that support services/singletons, they will be found by the
UNO framework via the information recorded at deployment time.  If
those libraries are used by other libraries, those libraries must make
sure to find them (e.g., via RPATH on ELF platforms).

Hmm, in the case of the ooRexx scripting engine:

    * there is a platform dependent DLL/so which needs to be accessible
      (at the moment I copy it into "OOoHome/program"), so the library
      is *not* an UNO-component, just a native library,
    * there are three text files (actually ooRexx programs) named
      BSF.CLS, UNO.CLS, UNO_XINTERFACES.REX which also need to be
      accessible by ooRexx scripts (and for that reason I have to copy
      them into "OOoHome/program".

Is there a means with the extension package manager (via a
"manifest:media-type") to cause these files to be either made accessible
via [D]PATH/LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH, or have a means available to tell
the package manager where to copy these files in the standard OOo
installation tree in a platform independent manner)?

No, only libraries containing UNO services can be installed.




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