Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
Hi Stephan,
Feel free to come back here with any questions along your way,
Thank you very much for your kind offer!

Indeed, after studying your information there would be a couple of

    * where would one find the full definition for "manifest.xml" and a
      list of valid "mainfest:media-type"s; I looked in the developers
      guide and tried the search function of the Wiki, but have not been
      really able to locate it?

Maybe its only in the code. :( But I do not know, maybe Jochen knows more. Jochen???

    * also, where would one be able to find the full definition for the
      "description.xml" file?
          o ad version numbers: would something like "" or
            "210.20070202" be o.k. (according to the production rule it
            should be possible) or would that pose any problems (the
            date of the version is the trailing value, possibly
            supplemented with the time of the day like "210.20070202162200")

The authoritative definition of version numbers is <>. All your examples above would be valid version numbers. However, the TODO at desktop/source/deployment/misc/dp_version.cxx:1.3 l. 53 suggests to only use segments for now that represent integers < 2^63. ;)

    * ad "application/;type=native":
          o This can be used to not only denote libraries, but also
            executables and modules (or with other words: these files
            will be put into a place that is accessible via the PATH

No, such files are not put on any path. If those libraries are UNO libraries that support services/singletons, they will be found by the UNO framework via the information recorded at deployment time. If those libraries are used by other libraries, those libraries must make sure to find them (e.g., via RPATH on ELF platforms).

          o Is there a complete list somewhere of the operating system
            dependent strings? The extension document mentions
            "Windows", "Linux_x86", "Solaris_SPARC". So what about PPC
            versions of Linux or Intel versions of Solaris or PPC and/or
            Intel versions of MacOSX?

Again, maybe its only in the code.  Again, maybe Jochen knows more.

    * is there a possibility to copy a set of scripts (in any available
      scripting language) to the user and/or shared script repository?
      If possible, what would be the appropriate "manifest:media-type"
          o Of course this may pose a little problem when using the
            update feature, as such scripts could have been edited in
            the meantime by the users (but then one could resolve this
            by moving the existing/edited extension scripts to an own
            backup library)

Sorry, I have no experience with those things. Hopefully, somebody else can step in.




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