Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
Hi Stephan,

, in the case of the ooRexx scripting engine:

    * there is a platform dependent DLL/so which needs to be accessible
      (at the moment I copy it into "OOoHome/program"), so the library
      is *not* an UNO-component, just a native library,
    * there are three text files (actually ooRexx programs) named
      BSF.CLS, UNO.CLS, UNO_XINTERFACES.REX which also need to be
      accessible by ooRexx scripts (and for that reason I have to copy
      them into "OOoHome/program".
Which code accesses those files (the shared lib and the Rexx programs)
how, and why does it help to move them to the program directory?  (If
it is clear how those files are accessed, there might be a way to
access them directly within the extension.)
Code which is invoked via the OOo scripting framework, here's what happens:

    * An ooRexx macro is invoked via Tools->Macro
    * the Java support part for the scripting language uses BSF (Apache
      Java archive) to load the Rexx interpreter (via the DLL/so
      residing in OOHome/program) and supplies the script and makes the
      arguments available to it;

I still do not understand how "the DLL/so residing in OOHome/program" (lets call it X) is loaded. Is it supplying UNO services/singletons and is thus loaded via the UNO framework? Is it loaded from some Java code Y via System.loadLibrary? Is it loaded from some native code Z via dlopen?

    * the Rexx interpreter executes the script which itself calls
      UNO.CLS (specific UNO/OOO support, which itself uses
      UNO_XINTERFACES.REX), which calls BSF.CLS (bridge to Java); all
      these scripts are plain text files and are found in their location

*Why* are they found in the program directory? Does the Rexx interpreter (is that the library X above?) look next to itself for them? (That is, if the Rexx interpreter were instead located in your extension, would those text files automatically be found in your extension, too?)




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