On 04/02/2008 07:33 PM, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
> Michele escribió:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to install OOo2.4 with the DEV300m5 in parallel on my ubuntu
>> box, but I don't know how. They are both called openoffice, so when i try to
>> install dpkg *substitutes* one version with the other.
>> I have found this command for RPMs in an old setup guide:
>> rpm -ivh --install --dbpath /home/user1/office/.rpm --nodeps --prefix
>> /home/user1/office/ openoffice*.rpm
>> where /home/user1/office/.rpm is the directory where the second installation
>> should be.
>> Is there an equivalent command for dpkg? is there an alternative method
>> altogether?
>> TIA,
>> Michele
> Hi Michele,
> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Run_OOo_versions_parallel
> explains how to install 2.* in parallel.
> Tonight I finish building DEV300_m5 (which installs in three layers) and 
> I'll see how to update that Wiki page

Those instructions only show RPM and Windows. There are no instructions
for DEB.

DEV300m5-7 install over the existing 2.x install (m3 did not do this).

I've filed a new bug regarding this issue.


Apologies for including the install log in the bug vs adding as an
attachment. I realised that I should have added the log as an attachment
after I hit the submit button.

I've found that the 2.x installs can be moved to a home folder and run
from there once the file ownerships are changed:

sudo chown -R <user>:<usergroup> /home/<user>/<OOofoldername>

Same for DEV300M7, but in this case you need to move both the
/opt/ooo-dev3 and the /opt/openoffice.org folders to the home target
directory. soffice doesn't seem to want to work, but swriter etc., all
work from the new home folder.

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