On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 2:23 AM, Christian Lohmaier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hi *,
> On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 5:31 PM, Hung Nguyen Vu
> > On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 11:50 PM, tora - Takamichi Akiyama <
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [...]
> > So, in your case, building a module 'scripting' failed and/or
> >> 'deliver' command has not been executed in the module yet,
> >> or the module has not been built at all.
> >>
> > What should I do now?
> cd to the $SRC_ROOT/scripting directory and try to run "build" there

It didn't work. I got the same error ( could not find jar file ).

> >>> export CC="ccache gcc"
> >>> export CXX="ccache g++"
> Yes, and it definitely works. (although I prefer the symlink approach,
> not the environment variables, but that doesn't matter)

alias gcc="ccache gcc" works as well.

> In my first try,  cd DEV300_m29; dmake cannot be found, so I specify its
> No, Don't ignore it. Since that clearly shows that something is wrong
> with your environment. Better work on fixing it before trying
> workarounds that break in even more obscure ways.

Only in my first try, I did something wrong and dmake could not be found.
Now, it is fine.

> If you cannot just run "dmake" after sourcing the environment file,
> then something is really wrong, and you should post your environment
> file.
I make the whole source tree viewable, as well as the env file.

> >>  export CXXFLAGS="-Werror"
> >>> export CFLAGS="-Werror -fvisibility=hidden"
> This doesn't work. And it is begging for build-problems. Only enable
> -Werror after you finished a build successfuly. Only fiddle with
> additional compiler flags once you succesfully finished a plain build.
> Furthermore these two are unneccessary anyway. configure checks for
> the visibility feature anyway, and if you want warnings=errors, pass
> --enable-werror to configure.

I will remove CXXFLAGS and CFLAGS in the next build.
I thought with -Werror, the standard output in my terminal will be cleaner,
which is worng.

> >>> ./configure --prefix=$HOME \
> >>>                --disable-cups \
> Don't want to print with your OOo on modern distros/make use of cups
> features?
> Hmm...

I don't use cups. But I will build OOo with cups support next time.

> >>>                --disable-mozilla \
Do we really need this?
Mozilla is too big!

>>>                --with-use-shell=bash \
>>>                --with-use-shell=bash \

this is specified twice...

I weird thing I've noticed:

Though --with-use-shell=bash was set in ./configure,

./configure reports:

"The variable SHELL             is set to: /bin/tcsh"

after its run.
# I always use bash!

No. apparently it is not. and "jar" sounds like it is java, isn't it?
> So when you tell OOo not to use java during the build, it cannot
> compile java stuff...

java, python, uno are not my goals at the moment.
I need a binary first.

> > Question: Why with  --without-java, dmake still looks for a .jar file?
> Congratulations, you found a dependency bug.

Where should I commit a bug?
What component does this bug belong to?

Best Regards,
Nguyen Hung Vu ( Nguyễn Vũ Hưng )
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, YIM: vuhung16 , Skype:
Japan through an eye of a gaijin:

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