Having tried this against master (for about a week ago) I am still getting
the same issue deploying the plugin on a base ranger install (it works ok
in HDP)

The exception trace in the log included as an attachment

My ews/lib directory does include

and is readable by the user ranger is started with

It is also available within ews/webapp/WEB-INF/lib

Currently my implClass is blank

Any ideas?

On Sat, 3 Feb 2018 at 00:37 Ramesh Mani <rm...@hortonworks.com> wrote:

> Nigel,
> Could you please provide the exception stack that is printed along with
> error message you are showing. Please check in xa_portal.log ( Ranger log).
> Also check in Ranger class path ranger-plugins-common*jar is there. Check
> in {install.dir}/ranger-admin/ews/lib and
> {install.dir}/ranger-admin/ews/webapp/WEB-INF/lib and it has the necessary
> permission for the process user who start ranger admin.
> As you notice it should have used the base implementation when you leave
> implClass blank / or not in the service def.
> Regards,
> Ramesh
> On 2/2/18, 6:24 AM, "Nigel Jones" <nigel.l.jo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >We're currently writing a Ranger plugin for an open source virtual
> >database driver known as ŒGaianDB¹.
> >
> >We have the basics of a plugin working, but today a colleague tried to
> >setup our plugin, and on their ranger install they could not create an
> >instance of our ranger service, hitting the error
> >
> >"Gaian failed to find service class
> >org.apache.ranger.services.gaiandb.RangerServiceGaian. Resource lookup
> >will not be available. Please make sure plugin jar is in the correct
> >place.²
> >
> >I had expected this to be a warning (fair enough), but it actually
> >prevents the UI from saving the service instance, and so Gaian related
> >policies cannot be created.
> >
> >They got this on I think a) an old 0.6.x build, and 0.7.1.
> >Meanwhile I had been using a HDP 2.6.3 setup, which comes with 0.7.0 and
> >with the same service definition did NOT of course hit this error.
> >
> >We haven¹t actually deployed any plugin code to the ranger server (yet)
> >since we have not implemented the resource lookup capability. We had
> >though specified an implClass in the servicedef. It¹s a later task :-)
> >
> >Looking at the ranger code in ServiceMgr.java it seems as if an empty
> >string should cause ranger to use a default class. We tried this, as well
> >as specifying the org.apache.ranger.plugin.service.RangerDefaultService
> >class, but had the same error in both cases. I was though looking at code
> >in master and see there have been a few changes
> >
> >Any suggestions as to how to persuade 0.7.0 to load the servicedef (other
> >than implement the class required, albeit a no-op oneŠ?), or an
> >explanation as to why we might see different behaviour?
> >
> >I¹m setting up a ranger install off master to debug/check latest codeŠ.
> >
> >For info the servicedef begins:
> >{
> >  "id":99,
> >  "name": "gaian",
> >  "implClass": "org.apache.ranger.services.gaiandb.RangerServiceGaian",
> >  "label": "Gaian",
> >  "description": "Gaian",
> >  "options": {
> >    "enableDenyAndExceptionsInPolicies": "true"
> >  },
> >    "guid": "86d10748-e4fc-442b-8991-f6a727054ece",
> >
> >  "resources": [
> >The full version can be found in
> >https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RANGER-1699
> ><https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RANGER-1699> - see the latest
> >attachment. Not as a patch as currently getting things working in a diff.
> >Build tree
> >
> >If it seems like a bug (rather than a newbie error or specific to hdp)
> >let me know and I¹ll open a jira!
> >
> >Many thanks
> >Nigel.
> >
> >
> >

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