
long thread and very useful read here. Since Jewel is very similar to MDL
in adding/removing classes I want to comment here some things:

1.- I just changed jewel typenames to the constructor and things works ok,
I could remove the createElement override
2.- I have into account the use of typenames as something inmutable (as
part of definition of a component) and classNames as things that are put by
developer, or change at runtime due to some user operation


3.- Why not use classList [1] instead of create our own CSSClassList ? is
well supported in the browsers we are targeting

Something more "light" :)

4.- I know that order in html classes are not relevant, in the execution.
And most of people here doesn't mind if typenames are before or after
classNames. So hope this doesn't make any problem to anyone here:
Can I change the code to put typeNames before classNames in
computeFinalClassNames? I think this not affects anyone since is a small
change and helps me to get organized classnames and identify things. I
think is better to see in final html typeNames first then classNames so
"inheritance" (to call it some way), could be easy detected by the eye



[1] https://www.w3schools.com/Jsref/prop_element_classlist.asp

Carlos Rovira

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