
I think you don't understand the warnings I'm putting on this. Nowadays put
our website in royale is a really bad idea. I plan to write lots of blog
If you make me do this "programming" each blog post, or even, have to get
the same look we have for each page, we'll end with something that simply
is not at the same level we have right now, and I simply will not have the
time to invest in that way to do things.

This is not a problem of technology, is not royale vs wp, or whatever other
reason, is only we have a publishing platform, with backend editing for
texts, upload of resources, and lots more if we need in a world of plugins,
and then it's converted to plain static html. We could do a publishing
platform with Royale...but that would be a another huge project and
separate from our main goal that is make an SDK so others can make that
kind of software. Make a web is not our goal. To have a web (made with a
tool done for that) is our goal only to fulfill a concrete target:
communicate with our audience to give them information about the real thing
we do here: royale framework code.

Warning!, we have already royale code in our website:

In that post the embedded royale example application is a js-release that is really our target! And we are compliant with it :)

We need to do more of this so people see what easy is to make things in
Royale. Instead, no body cares if our website is or not made with royale.

So again, we have lots more needs to fill hours and hours of development
than spending that time replicating the actual pages in Royale. When I did
Thanks-to and IDE pages, it took me some time, but very few compared with
making it without the pieces that WP+Movedo+WPBakety puts to work for me.
It's the same that if we plan to make twitter on royale in order to be on
twitter (it's maybe a silly example, but hope it helps me to illustrate).

To make us elegible for other users there's so much work ahead like the
current MX/Spark effort. AMF needs to work with all possible data
structures that was already working in Flash, we need lots of more controls
in Jewel and working cross platform, we need more libraries infrastructure
like validations, formatting.

Another important thing we need if my company wants to migrate our Avant2
app is to get swiz framework or something like that in Royale, and that
implies annotations metadata to inject models, views, vars, etc..., don't
know what's the actual state of this.

In resume, if we want to make our website in royale, we can do it, but
more, more later, and when we try it, we should try to make it as a
front-end of WP using WP-REST api and in that way to get all components
that MOVEDO supports, we must need to code that parts in royale to get that

We're getting right now lots of interest in social networks. People are
pushing us liking and retwitting our tweets and post of facebook, we need
to get more material out there for them to consume maybe youtube videos,
more posts, each of us need to have a  good priority plan that
although is free as apache way impose, should be as coordintate as possible
so all the efforts done by us could end with a huge community out there
that support us, or maybe we could end with people not following the actual
hype and getting the project cold and we loosing our time with a project
that has few people supporiting it.

Maybe a long email, but hope you can understand my worries in all of this

Thanks! :)


2018-04-07 16:55 GMT+02:00 Alex Harui <>:

> If I had more time, I would be pushing harder to write our website in
> Royale.  It still bugs me that we haven't done that.  I've proven that
> Royale web pages can be search indexed by Google.
> My 2 cents,
> -Alex
> --
> Carlos Rovira

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