Hi Alex,

2018-07-04 18:19 GMT+02:00 Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.invalid>:

> Hi Carlos,
> You can use negative words like "flaw" if you want.  But really, the fact
> is that nobody has had time to work on Touch support.  Mainly because the
> folks interested in migrating to Royale from Flex have not required it yet.

I think that as much as we love what we are doing here, we must be
self-critical, and the word "flaw" is used to say "hey! this is something
we don't have and others coming will see it as a point to not use us or not
to talk good about us". I know each one here has its priorities and that's
ok, maybe nothing here see this as an importan point, but today the world
is mobile and finger slides are normal. We can think "people migrating to
Royale from Flex have not required it", or another way to see it is "People
migrating to Royale from Flex, don't find things like touch gestures and
goes React and Angular". Things can be seen from many points, but we
although we believe in what we do, we should not be blind to the actual
needs since if not we take the risk to think old school when is not right
decision to do so.

> Drawer is cool, and new, but I don't know that migrating folks will have a
> high demand for it.  They all seem to be using DataGrid.

I want to say here that maybe we're talking so many to migrating folks, but
that's not our only target, we want as well people coming from actual html
frameworks. As well, maybe you can be surprised about how many people use
today a Drawer against how many people uses a Datagrid.
For example, in our App, we don't use DataGrids, or at least, for now we
don't need all DG functionality and we can go with a List+ItemRenderer.
Many people out there use to overuse DG when really is not needed since
they don't need to reorder columns, edit cells, and other things

> The principles around Touch support in Royale is that interactions are
> handled by Controllers.  Search for *MouseController.as and there should be
> a controller for each interactive component.  The controllers are specified
> in CSS as the IBeadController.  You can replace the MouseController with a
> TouchController by specifying a TouchController as the IBeadController.
> This should even allow us to leverage CSS Media Query to specify
> MouseControllers for mouse runtime environments and TouchControllers for
> touch environments.

I'm thinking that although we can create a Touch controller similar to the
Mouse one, we should have as well a MouseAndTouchController since people
will want to use both.

> If you've got the time to work on the first TouchController, great, but I
> would much rather see a DataGrid and other composite, higher-level Flex
> components working in Jewel so we can try to close down the discussion of
> why dependencies on Basic and Express are not a bad thing and get another
> release out, and so that customers that are actively trying to migrate
> their apps can use Jewel for their visuals if they want.
As I said, I don't think DG in Jewel will come to soon. My roadmap are
finishing navigation, organization and layouts things first, I think this
is essential since without that to create an App is very difficult (here
Tabs is needed, but maybe I can left it for later). You can do it by
yourself, but is better that Royale has all of this out of the box. Then
I'll go with Date controls and DropDown/ComboBox, from here maybe DG...but
don't really know since as I say is not needed for me and will be more a
work for the project.

In opposite, I have two clients that wants to see a Royale Interface
Navigation example that adapt nicely from Desktop to Tablet and to Mobile,
with current navigation standards (top bar, drawer, responsiveness). So in
Desktop Drawer and right sidebar is fixed, in Tablet, Drawer hides in favor
of a button to show it, and in Mobile right side bar hides in favor of a
button to show it.

This for me is more interesting to bring new customers that DG, since will
make people be able to start a new Royale App with current navigation
paradigm very quickly while DG can be only a need for some of them.

In all of this touch is not crucial, and can come later, but will be vey
cool to show people the use of this components with all the features and
let them now that they can have the same in the browser or in a browser app
that going native.

Just my 2 cents.



> Thanks,
> -Alex
> On 7/4/18, 6:47 AM, "carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of Carlos Rovira"
> <carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of carlosrov...@apache.org> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I'm looking how to provide touch support for Drawer so users can slide
> out.
>     Is a default behavior in this kind of components.
>     I'm seeing there's no TouchEvent or something similar. I think this is
> an
>     important flaw, since not having this is like to say we are not
> prepared
>     for mobile and in the end we lost users.
>     --
>     Carlos Rovira
>     https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
> http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&amp;data=02%
> 7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Cf19155725bd641c23c6e08d5e1b4b574%
> 7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C1%7C636663088611258999&amp;
> sdata=9r8VBk%2BDvsIvWYdhBB8STvBQVh3CZkGOJ5P0oX1fdus%3D&amp;reserved=0

Carlos Rovira

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