Two weeks is pretty short given where we are now, depending on what they are 
looking for to convince them to fund migrating to Royale.

What is the total time they expect to have a working app without Flex?  If you 
port your Flex app to some other JS framework, that could take several 
person-years.  So saying 2 weeks is not wise, IMO.  The reason folks should 
choose migrating with Royale instead of porting to some other JS framework is 
because AS and MXML are structured, and giving up on that and porting all of 
that code to unstructured source is like building a large building without any 
forms or braces that enforce structure.  More mistakes will be made, and many 
will be hard to find and some will have a huge impact.  By investing in Royale, 
your company gets to leverage the same structured source code it has been 
using.  They get additional engineering talent by leveraging the other 
committers and contributors on this project. IOW, if you need some Flex API 
emulated, someone other than you in the Royale community might already be 
working on it.  By migrating to some other JS framework, you have to replace or 
emulate that API yourself.

If you have a dialog box or some UI that contains only DG, List, TextInput, 
Button, ComboBox, RadioButton, CheckBox, we should be able to make that appear 
on screen in two weeks, but it may not look that nice.  So it depends a bit on 
whether your management wants to see if Royale is ready now, or has a chance of 
being ready sooner than going to some other JS framework.


On 7/10/18, 8:42 PM, "chembali" <> wrote:

    The management has asked me to do a POC and demo it to them before they can
    fund the migration project. Can I just convert couple of screens in the
    existing Flex web app to Apache Royale JS? Do you think it is doable in 2
    weeks? What are the step that I should take to make this happen? Please
    share your thoughts. This is going to be the critical 2 weeks for this
    migration project. 
    Thank you
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