
the main concept is that all your code that will not be using flash or flex
apis, or libraries using this apis, should translate directly. For example,
all your business logic, along VOs, DTOs, Pojos, etc... should be the same.
If you use some structural framework like PureMVC, that should follow the
same rule. At the end you are the one that knows what you application does,
and what is involved. So for me is something depending of each case.

Then for the things more "client side" (controls, layouts, containers,
components...) and the rest of visual things, you can follow various
routes. One is to use emulation components, there are many people here
working on that path that help you better than I. Other is to redo the
screens using Basic, Jewel, MDL, or other UI Set. This path is what I
choose for our application, since I want some of the new things present
nowadays in modern applications (responsiveness, new components like
Drawers or Cards...) while maintaining the ease of development.

One final thought. Think about the video I posted in the last email about
responsive layout. This can be done with React, Angular or plain JS, but as
I built this code on Royale (that is no more than the set of best practices
I see here and there), I saw the great difference in terms of less code I
have to put on my app, since Royale handles the internals for you, (a
Drawer in royale is <j:Drawer/> while in HTML/JS/CSS there's many code
behind that you must setup your own, and if you make some typo, it can be a
nightmare to track what's wrong. And finally, is about structure, Alex
explain very well about the importance of having structure like in a
building, since we all know is not only about building something, is about
maintenance and be able to detect errors sooner.

A migration in the end is not an easy task, and if you choose Royale,
React, Angular or other, you'll end having in a way or another, many
headaches, for me it's a matter of think about what's happen after the
initial problems are solved? It's easy to maintain and grow? it's easy to
make others enter the project and see what's done and join the effort? For
me those are the real points that makes me go with Flex and now with
Royale, since each time I see React or Angular code, I see many lines and
complexity that makes me think that's not the right way, that as a
Application Developer, things should be far more easy (not as a framework
developer that we must abstract all that complexity).

Just my 2...


2018-07-11 12:58 GMT+02:00 chembali <chemb...@hotmail.com>:

> Thank you Carlos for your input. It is not a bad idea. But I am trying to
> convince myself first. After going through the Royale docs, I had
> communicated to the management that a lot of our code ( probably 60% )
> would
> get migrated to JS without much effort ( just by using the Royale compiler
> ). They wanted to see that happening. I am stuck and unable to progress on
> this. I would appreciate if anyone can help me on this. Please correct me
> if
> my understanding is wrong in the first place.
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-royale-development.20373.n8.nabble.com/

Carlos Rovira

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