I think you can look at mx.controls.DateField and mx.controls.NumericStepper.  
The key piece is their entries in the defaults.css in the MXRoyale project.  
That dictates which beads are used.  If a bead has a package name starting with 
mx, then it is probably a subclass of an org.apache.royale bead.

I hope to finish up MenuBar shortly and then try to write up a wiki page or 
something about what it takes to get these emulation components to function.


On 7/18/18, 9:24 PM, "chembali" <chemb...@hotmail.com> wrote:

    Very helpful posts indeed. Can you tell me a couple of classic emulation
    examples that I can look at? I am hoping to take a look at them and
    understand the pattern.
    Sent from: 

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