Hi Josh,

after cleaning Jewel TextInput classes, I tried to change TextInputBase
from public to abstract class.

The reason is that while Simple** classes (like Jewel SimpleButton or
SimpleRemoteObject), are a reduced case of a class named without "Simple"
(in the example "Button", and most users would want to use just "Button",
so this name strategy seems very good to me, exposing the most used class
with the expected name and a simple one with that prefix).

Others like TextInputBase (with suffix **Base) are just a base class for
other classes like TextInput and TextArea and should not be used as a
so in this way of thinking seems reasonable to mark it as "abstract".

When doing that little change (switch public for abstract at level class in
TextInputBase), when compile Jewel SWC, a bunch of errors appear,
so is not clear to me if I'm doing something wrong, or I'm missing

Hope you can give some light on this.


Carlos Rovira

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