On Wed, 2008-09-03 at 13:16 +0200, Daniel Rentz wrote:
> Hi Kohei,
> some more thoughts... :-)
> Do we really need the "SheetName" string member in the 
> "ExternalReference" struct? How about transporting the index of the 
> cache in the "Sheet" member of the SingleReference/ComplexReference? The 
> index should be available as attribute in XExternalSheetCache similar to 
> the TokenIndex attribute in XExternalDocLink. This would allow to use 
> external multi-sheet ranges, because the ComplexReference will contain 
> two cache indexes.

Well, as we already discussed in IRC, this change has already been
agreed upon and done.  So I'm fine with it.

But I'm still not 100% sure that this will work in all circumstances.
It should work fine as long as we populate the external sheet caches
beforehand, but I'm still a little worried that there may be some
unforeseen circumstances where this may not work....

But then, it's just me.  I worry too much. ;-)

We'll worry about that once we discover a case where this change is


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