
On 13 October 2017 at 13:24, Oliver Lietz <apa...@oliverlietz.de> wrote:

> On Friday 13 October 2017 10:51:31 Ian Boston wrote:
> > Hi,
> Hi,
> > I would like to upgrade Sling to depend on Oak 1.7.9 as it was just
> > released. The patch be the same as [1] with 1.7.8 replaced by 1.7.9.
> >
> > Any objections ?
> I prefer sticking to stable and wait for 1.8.0.

Is that a strong preference ?

Not upgrading blocks the availability of OAK-6575 until 1.8.0 is released,
which creates delays in that feature being available downstream.
Best Regards

> Regards,
> O.
> > Best Regards
> > Ian
> >
> > 1 https://github.com/apache/sling/compare/trunk...ieb:
> > upgradeToOak178?expand=1

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