I personally don't use ES as part of my storm work, so I don't necessarily feel 
qualified to answer this.  In general though I really do like to see storm come 
with batteries included.  If ES1 is not end of life, and there is a community 
of people who want to continue using it/supporting it, I would say lets 
continue to do so.  If that is not true, or if ES offers a backwards compatible 
client that could sway things for me to say lets just go forward with ES2. - 

    On Wednesday, September 14, 2016 2:47 PM, Aaron Niskodé-Dossett 
<doss...@gmail.com> wrote:

 Hi all,

I started a a discussion about this a while ago, but didn't take it to a
conclusion (my $realjob, etc., etc.).

There are multiple PRs open to provide an Elastic Search 2.x bolt to the
Storm project.  There are two different approaches:

1. Add side-by-side support for 2.x. Example:
https://github.com/apache/storm/pull/1337 (*FULL DISCLOSURE*: this is my
own PR). [I also have some functionality enhancements in this PR, but
that's not relevant to this discussion.]

2. Upgrade existing bolt. Example, https://github.com/apache/storm/pull/1396

The drawback to approach 1 is that it duplicates a lot of code.  The
drawback to approach 2 is that it drops support for ES 1.x.

ES 2.X has been out for a while and if we are serious about supporting it,
we need to have a way to write to ES 2.X.

I believe approach number 1 is ideal (again, it's my own PR) and possibly
deprecating the existing 1.X bolt.

I'd love to hear thoughts from others!


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