2015-09-22 13:52 GMT+02:00 Christoph Nenning <christoph.nenn...@lex-com.net>:
> OK, got it working. The issue was that I had different version of s2 jars
> at runtime. I should learn to use my tools properly ;)


> @AllowedMethods does what I want it to do, thanks Łukasz!

My pleasure :)

> There is just one issue left: Setting strict-method-invocation="false"
> affects only actions configured in XML. When PackageConfig is created by
> XmlConfigurationProvider that field is set but
> PackageBasedActionConfigBuilder from convention-plugin does not set it.
> There could be 2 ways to solve this:
> - provide another package-level annotation @StrictMethodInvocation.
> - PackageBasedActionConfigBuilder could read existing PackageConfig to
> figure out if it was set in xml.

Thanks, I will try to figure out if it is possible

> I know I said just a few weeks ago that I would provide that flag. But
> seeing the current situation I would be OK to drop it. That would force
> users to be more secure :)
> But as there is global-allowed-methods people can be lazy.

We can always drop this flag with next major release (2.6 or 3.0)

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