> > Well, I don't think it is necessary to check parent packages at all.
> > Because strictDMI is a primitive boolean and cannot be null. So each
> > package has it explicitly configured, inheriting it is not required.
> > PackageConfig.isStrictMethodInvocation() should just return that 
> Not exactly, as Boolean.parseBoolean will return "false" if there was
> null and null means there is no "strict-method-invocation" attribute
> configured. That's why I have changed the logic to treat missing
> "strict-method-invocation" attribute as "true" and evaluate parent
> packages.

Ah, I was not aware of that.

> > What does the current implementation do?
> > if strictDMI is set to false it returns false.
> > if it is set to true parent packages are checked. if it is true in one
> > parent true is returned.
> > otherwise true is returned in anycase.
> >
> > IMHO it can be just a simple getter.
> You are right :) But I have some doubts, what if someone has a large
> application with multiple packages? Right now it will have to disable
> Stritc DMI in each one, Strict DMI isn't inhertited so it can be done
> in parent package (his own, not from Struts). But from other side we
> want to have SMI* is enabled by default.

That means if SMI is false it could mean 2 things:
- was explicitly set to false
- was not set and parent package should be checked

If it is true it was explicitly configured and parent packages don't need 
to be checked.

I would turn it into a Boolean that can be null. So it is more clear what 
the state in xml is and whether it is necessary to check parent packages.

> * SMI -> Stritc Method Invocation - it comes to me that DMI is
> something different than SMI so we should use different abbrevation.
> SMI works independly from DMI, SMI performs checks inside application
> (tax police), and DMI does the same but on user input (border police).

That means when methods are configured as own actions they must be 
additionally configured as allowed-methods?

> If there be no objections I would like to merge this PR and 
> push a new BETA today


More changes can be made in master ;)
And we might get feedback if users have issues with SMI.


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