Daniel Sahlberg wrote on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 11:27 +00:00:
> [...]

Thanks for all the [snipped] research!

> But I'm not fond of using yet another external service.

I don't see the problem.  We point folks on users@ to git/hg if those
suit their needs better, so what's stopping us from pointing our users
to an external list archive?

> I'll wait for some comments before committing anything (or feel free to
> commit the patch as attached or updated).

At this point I have to say, what's stopping us from just setting up our
own archives, encompassing all our history including the pre-ASF one?

The hard part of having archives is that it requires having a box online
that someone needs to apply OS updates to — but we already have
svn-qavm, so all that remains is to install some archive software
(mod_mbox or mhonarc or whatever else), load the haxx+apache archives to
it, and subscribe it to the mailing lists.

(For mhonarc, the incantation is «mhonarc -add» with the message on
stdin.  mod_mbox parses mbox files dynamically; there's a monthly cron
job that rotates the delivery paths in the .forward file.  Other archivers 


P.S.  If we do the above work, the marginal cost of adding APR's or serf's
or for that matter curl's lists to the set-up will be fairly low.  That was
the concept behind gmane.

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