Hello Majdi,

Thank you for your interest and enthusiasm! Taverna internals are not my
expertise, but I can assist with CWL and general workflow questions.

Could you expand on:

> I am used to work with different technologies and dealing with different
> I am also used to work with existing code and extending it.

Which specific technologies and specifications do you have experience with?

On Feb 13, 2018 05:40, "Majdi Haouech" <majdi.haou...@gmail.com> wrote:


I am a software engineering MS student at Telecom SudParis in France.
I am really interested by this GSOC project.
Here's what I understand about the project.
In this project we need to create a plugin that exports and imports CWL
First, I need to be familiar with the CWL specification in order to be able
to convert YAML files to Taverna workflows.
Next, I'll need to do the opposite work by transforming a Taverna workflow
into YAML files following the CWL specification as well.
Finally, if there will be enough time, I can contribute to Taverna's Tool
Activity by completing the TAVERNA-878 issue.
I understand that the contribution will be to the Taverna Language API and
any other remarks are welcome.

I believe that I will be a great match for this project because for several
I am used to work with different technologies and dealing with different
I am also used to work with existing code and extending it.
Also, I am really motivated for contributing to an Apache project and this
opportunity is perfect for me to dive right in with the right support.

Please correct me if I misunderstood some point or if you need me to
elaborate more.
Thank you so much for your attention.

Best regards,

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