Hi all,
I hope you're doing well.

Please find in the link below the not finished proposal.


I am not sure how the proposal needs to be in terms of length, details and
I am sending you the proposal so far so you can have an idea and you can
correct me if I made mistakes or if I need to elaborate more on certain
Any remarks are welcome.

Thank you for your time.

Best regards,

On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 10:21 AM, Majdi Haouech <majdi.haou...@gmail.com>

> Hi Stian,
> Thank you so much for your reply.
> I am really sorry for my late reply.
> Thank you for the information you provided. I strongly agree with what you
> said.
> I am seeing the tutorials and reading the doc. Soon I will start preparing
> the proposal and I will keep you in touch.
> Thank you once again for your message.
> Best regards,
> Majdi
> On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 12:57 PM, Stian Soiland-Reyes <st...@apache.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi, Majdi, thank you for your intest in GSOC and Apache Taverna!
>> Apologies for late reply.
>> On Thu, 15 Feb 2018 05:08:55 +0100, Majdi Haouech <
>> majdi.haou...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I have worked with different languages and technologies, to name a few:
>> > Java, C, C++, Python, JS, Git, OWL, JavaEE, RabbitMQ, Maven.
>> > I am also contributing to a Mozilla open source project which required
>> > working with existing code and delivering a full working and completely
>> > tested contribution.
>> This is a strong background!  It's good you have experience with both
>> OWL, Python and Java.   As you might have noticed the cwltool reference
>> implementation is written in Python, while Taverna is (largely) in Java.
>> > > First, I need to be familiar with the CWL specification in order to
>> be able
>> > > to convert YAML files to Taverna workflows.
>> > > Next, I'll need to do the opposite work by transforming a Taverna
>> workflow
>> > > into YAML files following the CWL specification as well.
>> > > Finally, if there will be enough time, I can contribute to Taverna's
>> Tool
>> > > Activity by completing the TAVERNA-878 issue.
>> > > I understand that the contribution will be to the Taverna Language
>> API and
>> > > any other remarks are welcome.
>> Yes, this can be a good way to start.  I am a bit worried about going
>> for both CWL import and export at the same time - although trying to
>> have some kind of round-trip support would be wonderful!
>> I think what you are proposing is to keep the translation structural at
>> first, that is Taverna can import the CWL workflow and get the
>> correct boxes/arrows connected, but would not know
>> how to execute the CWL tools (pending TAVERNA-878).
>> So this could for instance be that you import CWL tools into the dummy
>> CWL activity we already have
>> https://github.com/apache/incubator-taverna-common-activitie
>> s/tree/cwl-browse/taverna-cwl-activity
>> where it would just keep a JSON tree of the CWL Tool configuration
>> without knowing how to execute it.  That should make it easier to do a
>> round-trip save out again.
>> TAVERNA-878 could easily also be the most time-consuming part of the
>> effort, so it might be good to not risk all on that.  You may have a go
>> at doing just simple CWL command line tools (e.g. just arguments and
>> stdin/out without files) which should be easier to map to the existing
>> Tool activity.
>> Export of Taverna Workflows to CWL can seem challenging because in
>> Taverna we have many types of activities which are not supported by
>> other CWL engines:
>> https://taverna.incubator.apache.org/javadoc/taverna-common-activities/
>> So again it could be a structural export where the CWL side just has
>> "TavernaActivity" and includes the Taverna Activity JSON for opposite
>> round-trip, but would not be executable on other CWL engines.
>> (They should however work on http://view.commonwl.org/)
>> If you then towards the end want to move beyond structural/skeleton
>> export of Taverna workflows into CWL  you can progress to export the
>> Taverna's Command Tool activity as CWL command line tools. Again there
>> might be features in the Taverna side that don't match exactly to CWL,
>> which you can say is not supported.
>> > > I am used to work with different technologies and dealing with
>> different
>> > > specifications.
>> Great, yes, that is perhaps also the greatest challenge of this
>> particular GSOC project, in that you will be integrating between several
>> existing technologies and specifications!
>> > > I am also used to work with existing code and extending it.
>> > > Also, I am really motivated for contributing to an Apache project and
>> this
>> > > opportunity is perfect for me to dive right in with the right support.
>> Thank you, we very much welcome your effort!
>> What I think you could do next is to have a go with the different
>> technologies, see the tutorials - and then start building a proposal
>> (Google Docs?) where you list the background material and
>> start listing your task breakdown.
>> Taverna Language has some (but not much) doc at
>> https://github.com/apache/incubator-taverna-language/
>> and
>> https://taverna.incubator.apache.org/javadoc/taverna-languag
>> e/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/api/package-summary.html
>> The GOSC proposal is due mid March so there is time to develop it now -
>> but it's good if you keep in touch with us at dev@taverna so we can
>> review it before the deadline; we want GSOC to be successful as well!
>> --
>> Stian Soiland-Reyes
>> The University of Manchester
>> http://www.esciencelab.org.uk/
>> http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9842-9718
>> --
>> Stian Soiland-Reyes
>> http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9842-9718

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