
This was on my hackaton todo list, I guess I'm a bit late, but getting to
it now ...

CDI is the building brick for many other popular libraries and frameworks,
including JAX-RS (Apache CXF), Eclipse Microprofile, etc. Looking at the
CDI implementation from the ASF, I am not fully satisfied with the
integration or packaging of OWB in the context of Tomcat. Since it's such
an important building block, I wanted to do something about it and be able
to have something that played better with Tomcat standalone, in addition to
embedded (that is well covered !). As a result, I took on the task to take
over the Tomcat(7 ;) ) integration that was in OWB.

I'm working on it here: https://github.com/rmaucher/tomcat-owb

The packaging is a big jar that is not done yet (the APIs would of course
be separate JARs, but the goal is to have a big-OWB JAR tuned for Tomcat
with the rest). Eventually if it works well enough, I would move it to

Note: I'm not a fan of the OWB configuration, it looks rather cryptic to me
(properties files spread across all the JARs, I guess that's pluggable -
even though it's not really needed here). I will look at that area for
Tomcat specific improvements (the main listener could be used for

Note 2: Apache CXF is quite the same first impression, when I download it I
find a "lib/WHICH_JARS" file, which kind of says it all. So after OWB, it's
possible there would be another tomcat-cxf module, which would be packaging
only (I hope/expect the integration, which uses CDI and Servlets, will not
need any real improvements).

Comments ?


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