> On Oct 6, 2022, at 4:24 AM, Swell <souheil.sul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> David might jump in the boat to confirm, but, when updating the javadoc at
> https://tomee.apache.org/jakartaee-10.0/javadoc/ and others, i tried to add
> the MVC api to the javadoc and was told MVC is not part of the Full
> Specifications

Right, MVC, NoSQL and Data are currently not part of any Jakarta EE release 
(8,9,9.1 or 10).  If we were to add it to TomEE, we could probably put the 
javadoc up next to the jakartaee-* and microprofile-* javadoc so it's clear 
we're not implying it's part of a Jakarta EE Platform release.

> I'm unsure if we should add them together? (MVC api + Krazo)
> about Krazo having a Final Release, it has, we just have to be cautions
> with the compatibility:

The primary thing we'd need in a PR to add Krazo is a working setup for the MVC 
TCK.  We maybe don't need the TCK passing for the PR to be merged (mostly 
passing could work), but it would need to pass before TomEE 9 goes final.  
Lately we've been putting the TCK setups here:

 - https://github.com/apache/tomee/tree/main/tck

We'd also want that in both Plus and Plume as they are supposed to be the same 
in functionality and only differ by the implementations.

> The idea of a starter web page or an IDE plugin is great, does someone have
> knowledge in these fields?

I shared what I know on starter.  Jon once wrote an Eclipse Plugin.  Not sure 
if any of it would be helpful if you wanted to write something:

 - https://svn.apache.org/viewvc/tomee/openejb-eclipse-plugin/

Certainly a plugin that added features to the server could be pretty cool!

Welcome to the land of "more ideas than time" :)  You're in good company :)  If 
you find an escape route, let me know LOL :)


> On Thu, 6 Oct 2022 at 09:57, Jean-Louis Monteiro <jlmonte...@tomitribe.com>
> wrote:
>> I'm fine adding Kazo. I was looking the other day to fix the examples, and
>> I wanted to upgrade Krazo but the final release wasn't available yet. Happy
>> to add it directly to TomEE so we don't need users to do it. Even more now
>> that it's part of Jakarta EE Full Profile, we can add it to Plus and Plume.
>> Hibernate has been discussed already and we have added all the plumbing to
>> make sure users can easily have it in their webapps or drop it in the lib/
>> directory and it will work out of the box.
>> For DeltaSpike, it's not dead but there isn't much activity there and I
>> doubt it will be jakarta compatible anytime soon. I'm more concerned about
>> adding this one.
>> If you need it just for some DAO (repository) pattern, it's easily
>> achievable without some big dependencies. TomEE has been able to do that
>> for quite a long time. We just don't do any promotion of the feature.
>> For instance, there is an example available here
>> https://github.com/apache/tomee/tree/main/examples/dynamic-dao-implementation
>> Create an interface, add an annotation and TomEE will generate the
>> implementation for you.
>> The logic to parse method names, etc is available in this class
>> https://github.com/apache/tomee/blob/main/container/openejb-core/src/main/java/org/apache/openejb/util/proxy/QueryProxy.java
>> This is actually a specific use case of this feature and example
>> https://github.com/apache/tomee/tree/main/examples/dynamic-implementation
>> You can easily do design by contrat and implement your own handler to
>> generate the implementation under the cover.
>> Hope it helps
>> --
>> Jean-Louis Monteiro
>> http://twitter.com/jlouismonteiro
>> http://www.tomitribe.com
>> On Wed, Oct 5, 2022 at 11:48 PM David Blevins <dblev...@tomitribe.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> On Oct 5, 2022, at 4:29 PM, Memo Díaz Solis <diaz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> In the spring boot world you just need to pick dependencies from the
>>>> initializer, so if we can provide something like that, it would be
>> easier
>>>> for new developers/students.
>>>> Is there any reason to avoid something like that?  I mean, it is
>>> something
>>>> like Microprofile starter but for TomEE, so that we can pick deltaspike
>>>> modules as extra dependencies but defined at pom level.
>>> I would absolutely love if we could do something like that.
>> Specifically,
>>> as I've always wanted to ship Hibernate.  I've even had talks with Red
>> Hat
>>> about potentially changing the license so that we could ship it -- they
>>> gave it an honest look too.
>>> The big issue with a "starter" site is Apache infrastructure only allows
>>> static sites -- reasonably.  If "we" wanted to do that it would have to
>> be
>>> externally hosted and not branded in a way that implies it is operated by
>>> the Apache Software Foundation.
>>> -David

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