Hi Peter

Thanks a lot for this detailed status

This requirement i not fulfilled from my point of view. As far as I
understand the discussion, MAC OS X build fails.

This Mac issue has blocked the process
as the discussion went on delivering python or not within OOo on MacOs
and was stalled for us (i do not read every mac irc discussion logs)

things are evolving thanks to your IRC intervention

* Issues submitted by developers must provide a test case
to ensure appropriate verification.

There's no 'how-to test' provided.

mail merge tests could be used as written in python

the developper knows what he modified and should be able to identify functional parts that has to be covered

* All issues must have the status 'Resolved/Fixed'

Not the case.


* All issues must be assigned to a QA members (except those only developers can 

Not the case.

who has to be assigned there in IZ ? I may call for volunteers

as i understand the situation, we lack a QA representative dealing with
the various plateform building and check

Please spare both of us this polemic irony.

I'm really sorry, it was not my intention !!! Please forgive me

with you making some 'need to clarify' statements. And now you're
blaming me for the project getting stalled?

Reall sorry Peter, this was not my intention
I'm the first to blame not following this point :(

For me the problem, after the macos one, was that no builder was available for generating testing binaries on many plateform Linux, Windows, Solaris and mac (being optional here, as not finished yet). I thought proposing doing a fisrt step job for windows and linux plateform

Some information about the role of the QA representative:
- QA Rep. is not in charge to build the source
  (This would be even against the idea of the CWS process)

This is where i was wrong and I'm really sorry
ho is in charge of building on many plateforms ?

- QA Rep. organizes the QA effort of a CWS
- QA Rep. doesn't organize the whole CWS process
- QA Rep. is not necessarily in charge of doing all the testing

So thanks for pointing the QA missing points

Do you think once ready for QA we should post on QA list for calling volunteers ?

For the last item, this is even not possible for me. Because I have no
MAC available. I will ask Jogi from Sun in Hamburg to do this part.
(BCCed him.)

Ok ! We may find also other volunteers on mac platform
what about solaris ?

Once again peter, please forgive me for my misunderstandable words
I really hope things are clear now

@liyuan : please look at comment in the issue about deprecation. only a suggestion

once all is ok (tinderbox do not show any build error on this cws ?), peter let us know what action you need at QA level (find ressources aso ...) - maybe on QA list ?


Laurent Godard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Ingénierie OpenOffice.org - http://www.indesko.com Nuxeo Enterprise Content Management >> http://www.nuxeo.com - http://www.nuxeo.org
Livre "Programmation OpenOffice.org", Eyrolles 2004-2006

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