Just a question here:

   in order to allow for using OOo 2.x from Java, I have a setup
   routine that defines the classpath to point to
   "OOoHome/program/classes/ridl.jar", and

   Would that setup still work for OOo 3.x? If not, what is the
   recommended setup for classpath then?

No, that will no longer work. OOo is now split in three trees (URE, Basis, Brand), and the necessary jars are spread across two of those trees (jurt, ridl, juh in URE; unoil in Basis). If you are happy with a manual setup (for which there are no guarantees of stability, of course), see <http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/ODF_Toolkit/Efforts/Three-Layer_OOo> for details of how the lower (URE, Basis) layers can be located from the Brand layer (which probably most closely corresponds to what you denote OOoHome above). Or, better, try to use the "simple bootstrap" mechanisms instead of a manual setup---we will try to keep those mechanisms as stable as possible (though, as this thread shows, there are situations when that stability cannot be absolute).
Hmm, at the moment I have a script that will create another script which sets up the environment according to the individual installation. It sets the classpath according to the current ("old"?) documentation for OOo. (In the 1.x-times "sandbox.jar" was among those jars that needed to be made available.)

Java in this use-case serves as the layer to access/remote-control OOo for the interpreted scripting language ooRexx (using a Rexx-to-Java-bridge). As a consequence for this to work Java reflection is employed and therefore Java needs to be able to access all the Java classes that are defined in the OOo jars.

Given your explanation, one solution might be to determine at setup-time the version of OOo that is installed and create that dispatcher script according to it (hence in the 3.x case having classpath point to the jars in URE and Basis). For this scenario to work reliably it must be possible then to determine the paths to the three layers on all platforms (probably registry entries on Windows, some other means for Unix-installations). Is an appropriate detection mechanism defined already? [Maybe even an OOo-supplied utility that would write those paths to stdout?]


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