On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 01:16:01PM +0100, Bill Brigden wrote:

> It seems like a small thing, but could the reply-to be set to the list - as
> I have replied to messages before and not replied to the list - so when
> people look through archives it seems like some questions remain unanswered
> when infact they may have done!
> Also - a really small thing, but when replying to people, they reply to the
> list and the poster, so people like me get 2 copies of the mail!
> This is just what I have picked up on while being on the list - feel free to
> shoot my comments down!

No, that's a bad idea ... the person sent a message you reply to that
person, if you want to reply to the list, you do so, most sensible mail
user agents will allow this behaviour.

Having the list as a reply address causes havoc with misconfigered email
systems etc when stuff bounces or other problems.


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